Solid Foundation for Success

Time for a Fresh Perspective

Join me in a fascinating exploration of

  • Everything from positive thinking and beliefs to manifestation and the enormous potential of the human brain.

  • Why anxiety, stress, burnout, depression and suicide are sadly the daily Xperience for many

  • And how understanding the scientific frameworks that underpin human Xperience can alleviate all of these allowing you to achieve your goals

Tried everything…? From self-help books, mindfulness, meditation, exercise, diet, adaptogens (supplements) affirmations, gratitude, journalling to sound baths but it’s just not giving you what you want

Pave the way to the life you’ve always wanted, always dreamed of, but has always been just out of reach… Until now!

We are not Running out of Time, we are Running into it…

What’s stopping you?

Forced to leave behind a ‘very successful career’ as a result of work related stress, the ’successful’ life I had strived for, worked so hard for, collapsed and came crashing down. What can only be described as a personal earthquake not only shook the very foundations that I had built upon but destroyed them, I couldn’t see a way of ever building back.

This Xperience also had a very profound effect on my family, the distress was excruciating for everyone involved .

This Xperience became the greatest opportunity of my life. These past five years I’ve devoted my life to the study of every aspect of Mental Health, Well-Being (Being-Well), Personal Growth and how to achieve it, allowing me to build back much stronger.

Throughout my life, from as far back as I can remember, I’ve experienced anxiety, addictions, obsessions, compulsions, panic attacks and continual poor health, I was never away from my GP and never knew why. Nothing would alleviate the ‘Discomfort of Living’ that I experienced on a daily basis, no matter how much discipline or self punishment I applied.

Every morning, upon opening my eyes, I encountered a sense of dread, unable to do what I really wanted to do, never able to achieve what I wanted to achieve, it was a constant battle. I felt at war with myself from the moment I woke up, self - loathing and self- hatred were constant companions but all that changed and it can for you too.

I never thought it possible, to ‘feel’ any different, to achieve your ambitions, to realise your dreams, I wish I had found this years ago.

Whilst my Xperience ‘forced’ me to spend years searching, studying and spending a small fortune along the way, you NOW don’t have to, the search can end, alleviating the ‘Discomfort of Living’ is possible and I want to share this with you.

The Actor, Robin Williams, who sadly ended his own life, once said that ‘the funniest people want to make other people happy because they don’t want others to experience the sadness that they’ve endured’.  Like Mr Williams, I too, for a long time was a great actor, ‘masking’ an unbearable discomfort and lack of confidence that was, until now, inexplicable. I too would not want that for anyone, but sadly for many people that IS their Xperience and it very rarely ends well.

I believe that everyone should have the opportunity to live their best life.

I’m sure you know someone that would benefit from knowing what’s stopping them, what’s holding them back, preventing them from living their best life.

Everyone would benefit from knowing what anxiety really is, why it exists. Why addiction, self harm, self punishment, obsessions, compulsions and Co-dependency ravages peoples lives but more importantly it would benefit everyone if you knew what to do about it?

Why I do what I do?

Now, when I get up in the morning, it’s no longer with dread, it’s with a new found energy to help others break free from the patterns, beliefs and discomfort that hold you back.  My talks are not only for those that Xperience discomfort in their lives but for their families, their friends and their colleagues, imagine if only YOU knew how to succeed and could share this success with others. That’s the beauty of the solid foundation, it’s mind-blowing.  What I want to share with you is life changing, it changed not only my life but my families life. I am living a life I never thought possible and for the first time ever, you can too!

The results are not just mind-blowing: they are life-changing; But don’t take my word for it, come along and find out for yourself.

Journey Towards the Life you never thought Possible and Discover the True Power Within

Giving Back

I am offering these talks at an affordable price because I am passionate about giving back. I understand the profound distress that comes from not fully understanding mental health and I want to give you this opportunity to find out what’s holding you back. In addition to offering free spaces available for anyone struggling financially, I’ve also made one of the sessions available on-line for those who live too far away or have no desire to venture beyond the comfort of their own home.

I've been on my own journey of transformative growth, and I know how daunting it can be to feel trapped by unseen challenges. My aspiration is to empower you to break free and realise your true potential. Sharing my insights and my story with you will not only provide clarity that inspires but also helps to carve out the path for you to start achieving your long held aspirations and begin living your best life.

Fortunately I survived my suicidal crisis to be able to share the discovery of my Unified Theory of Mental Health with you but as with everything in life, this offer will end.

If you’d like to find out more, come along to one of my events, I’d love to see you there…
